Friday, November 30, 2012


It seems I am a Thursday baby. I was born on a Thursday. Seems as though I have far to go.
Refer to this: Monday's Child
I knew I had been born on a Thursday, but I still don't know how I did. Must be ingenuity, or something. Or common feeling with it, maybe.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Waltz of the Moon, LIVE

Just as much as I love 'Tsuki no Waltz', I love the live version of it. Mio Isayama is just amazing. It's so pretty, I just can't help myself.


I should never get bored.
Yes, that is exactly what you think it is. Actually, I have no idea what it is, so you can tell me, if you figure it out yourself. I'll just call him 'Cutie' for now, since that is his main body. His eyes are a dime and a quarter, and his feet are 'Bliss' chocolates(wrapped). His head is a spinning top we got from my uncle Johnney's house. the bottom picture is a snap I put of it. I think something may be a little strange with me today.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Reproducing mushrooms: Love Letters to Death- another blog

Blogs are seemingly reproducing like mushrooms where I am concerned. This time it's one called Love Letters to Death, a blog that my friends and I are going to write love letters to death in, like the title. But we're not emo(probably). We're going to write these weird, funny, possibly random, or loosely connected love letters from different characters. Well, the idea is still in the production stage at the moment. My main worry is cooperation.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Why do I never get any sleep? and poetry again.

This morning I woke up at 4:30 A.M., and the sad truth is that I never went back to sleep. I had an unsettling(not exactly scary) dream, and it kept me feeling weird. So to dispense that feeling, I started reading 'The Poetry of Zen'. Translated Chinese and Japanese poetry. I didn't really stop too soon; I really like that stuff for some reason. And I witnessed dawn rise, and wrote a poem to it. If you want to read it then click here. Oh, but that feeling when you can feel your alarm clock pressing down on you, just begging to ring. I want to smash that thing to a million pieces.

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Well, it makes me feel weird to post 3 songs all in a row, but I just couldn't resist with this one. I mean, it's CNBLUE, the Korean boy band. I love their songs, especially Love Girl, but I listened to this song yesterday late at night, and I couldn't stop. Or, rather, didn't want to despite my eyelids closing on their own accord. Ladies and Gentlemen, behold: Intuition.
 It's funny that practically all of their songs are about love.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

1,2 Fanclub

This song is called '1,2 Fanclub' and I dunno why I like it so much, but I do. It appeals to me somehow. They're singing about China in Japanese.I love the panda hoods.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Futuristic Imagination

This is the ending song and video to an anime called 'Eden of the East' that I never did finish watching. But the song, after I heard it, became one of the most important songs to me. It's not just that I love it; it has become a part of my diary. The songs I listen to create my own diary for me, which is a bit abstract, I suppose, but true. The song is called 'Futuristic Imagination' and it is by the band School Food Punishment. Don't laugh at the name, you. They're serious.
"Can you change the definition of 'mistake'?"
if you have time, and want to hear/see the full version with subtitles, click here.

Black Friday

Yes, I do indeed have a headache. It's like my brain is being sparked with electricity. It's painful that way. And my eyes are so tired that they're searching for darkness all on their own. Black Friday is a cruel beast that slowly consumes on your feet. But I did get some interesting things....! It's all paper related. Scrapbook monster.

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Somehow I find myself NOT hungry today. At least in the stomach. I think I might be starving for something else. Perhaps thanks? Perhaps to say thank-you? Perhaps to be thankful? Perhaps for some decadent dark chocolate cream pie (because deserts have a stomach all to themselves).

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


I imagine there is no excuse for myself, perhaps not even for living. But do I need an excuse for living? I doubt things are that simple. And I'm sick of giving excuses just so that their minds will be at ease. Mine is only more troubled. So I will not give excuses anymore. They are not like handing out candy. I must do something before I fall.
Before I fall.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Somebody has to go Polish the stars

I really like poetry, and of course that means I like Shel Silverstein. I love all of his poems, but I actually think that the one I like the best is this one:

Somebody Has to

Somebody has to go polish the stars,
They're looking a little bit dull.
Somebody has to go polish the stars,
For the eagles and starlings and gulls
Have all been complaining they're tarnished and worn,
They say they want new ones we cannot afford.
So please get your rags
And your polishing jars,
Somebody has to go polish the stars.

-Shel Silverstein

Maybe I like this one so much because of my obsession with star things.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Rain Town

This is a longer independent animation, and I can't say I didn't yawn once or twice during the whole thing, but I like the idea and the thought, and the interesting world I'm dropped into when I watch this. It was raining today. I wonder what living in this town would be like.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Envy of 9 lives

A cat is said to have 9 lives, sometimes 7, sometimes 6. Too bad I'm a stupid human, and am stuck with only 1 life. Sometimes it seems animals have a much better accompaniment with surviving and thriving than I do. Speaking of cats, I love their myths. Like being crossed by a black cat is a bad omen, and yet cats are generally thought of as good luck charms in different places. A cat is a witches familiar, an object of worship, a pest to be rid of. Can something even be allowed to be that ironic? And, about cats, I wouldn't mind their ears or tail, especially their ability to be so agile, if only I was equal to the fluffiness and coolness. Even though I say all this, it's not like I'm a cat fanatic. Perhaps I just envy them. Fancy that!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


"Never underestimate the power of a bribe."
No kidding.
I got dragged into that one.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


This doesn't really hold a video, but this song lets me relax. It has me think some strange things.
"You must go there alone."
It could be a little sad.
Lyrics here.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Monochromatic Cake

My grandma makes this funny cake that is almost completely black and white. It's a chocolate cake that really looks completely black, although it doesn't taste like dark chocolate. The frosting is this white stuff that reminds me of marshmallow goop stuff, sort-of like candy land snow would be like, maybe. It all tastes good, but one piece is just perfect. The colors satisfy.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

First Bite of Winter

Full, pristine, white, milky, achromatic, snowy, bleached, vicious, frosted, ivory, iced, nipping, biting, stinging; Winter. The first bite of Winter was a big one. Snow all over, covering like white cotton. Unexpected, welcomed, and despised. Spring sings, Summer swelters, Autumn swings, and Winter stings.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Sewing a jean monster

On Sunday, I sewed a little something. Now, I suck at sewing. I had a class last year with it that I was so frustrated with, I was almost gonna cry. I still think it a miracle that I got an A- in there. I have no idea how that happened. Well, anyways, I sewed this strange thing that I really like out of my jean pant leg and other stuff. It reminded me of everything I didn't like. But I still completed it for some reason. Well, see it for yourself:
ha ha ha.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


An oval is a funny shape. It's a stretched circle. Even it's first letter is an 'O'.  Like a square and a rectangle; stretched. With shapes, isn't an oval usually ignored? I usually just hear it when referring to someone's face. Sometimes, I even feel sorry for it. Is that weird? Feeling sorry for a shape? When I was a kid, I was probably a circle, but now that I'm older, I'm an oval; speaking hypothetically. I'm stretched. Oval.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Gas Mask

I was helping my grandmother clean out her drawers(that are a nightmare of screwdrivers and pills by the way) and -truthfully it was destined- we pulled out an old decrepit gas mask. I fell in love. The strands had broken, so she let me have it. I've always wanted one, a respirator. Don't ask me why. I'm not going to use it, but it's the coolest treasure in my room right now. Here is a picture of it:
a little dusty.

Saturday, November 3, 2012


Another independent animation. I really like this one, probably for obvious reasons. I like killer fights like this. And the music is awesome, ha ha.

Friday, November 2, 2012

The Tender March

I just absolutely love this; the song, and the animation. It's just so beautiful and water-colory, that I can't help it. I like these kinds of things. Things that have some kind of meaning, but it's not just straight off understanding. And I just love all the weird creatures she's got with her, it just makes it click.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Spread Ashes in the Wind

Hey, when I die, can you burn me to ashes? Cremate me, and instead of soldiering me in a pretty porcelain jar, take me somewhere high, and spread me into the wind so that I can finally learn what it's like to fly.

Because I'm Alive

"How, ....How can you be so reckless!?"

                                                           "Because I'm alive!" 

"I walk because I was born"- Miku Hatsune- Strobe Light