Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A Geek dreaming of drop-kicking someone (wait, that's a bit dangerous, isn't it?)

When no ones watching in a store's aisle, I suddenly have the urge to do a cartwheel, or dropkick somebody awesomely. *sigh*, I always have the wish to be an awesome fighter, but I'm too lazy to actually do anything about it. Or rather, maybe I just don't feel I have the skill. Because I don't. I love those times in movies where there's hand to hand combat, and the main character just ultimately pwns the enemy. It's just so cool! I always scream like a fangirl, or drool with the awesomeness, or both. In the end, I'm just an otaku. It's great, though, being a geek. Only when you have a new things to geek over, though. When I don't have a good new storyline or character to obsess over, I get grumpy. By the way, this is awesome: Tomoyo super combo hit

1 comment:

  1. I agree, but I get more giggly towards a good villain than the hero... Except of course if the hero is kind of a loser that suddenly shines (like Bilbo!). Those guys make me squeal. I kind of want to drop kick someone too, but I'm too chicken to do it. I usually wait for someone to tempt me, but it never comes.
    I <3 villains!!!
