Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Mr. Fay

There is a fairy in my school. I swear it on my name. He looks like a normal 40 year old man, and he seems like a normal 40 year old man, but his name gives him away. Oh, don't get me wrong, I do not mean he's gay by any means. He has a record player in his room, with old computers and keyboards, and I have absolutely no clue what he teaches. Does he even teach anything? Do fairies teach things? I talked to him for just a second, and he seems pretty chill. But I learned one of the old words for fairy, and am now convinced he is a magical being just for the fun of it. I'm reading about fairies and things lately. It's super fun to learn the history and theories from people behind them. All the old words for fairy are intensely focus-grabbing for me, because they look so cool! I like the old ways of spelling things. Like colour instead of color.

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