Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Watching Natsume Yuujinchou right now. On Crunchyroll.


“I believe that words uttered in passion contain a greater living truth than do those words which express thoughts rationally conceived. It is blood that moves the body. Words are not meant to stir the air only: they are capable of moving greater things.”

“You seem to be under the impression that there is a special breed of bad humans. There is no such thing as a stereotype bad man in this world. Under normal conditions, everybody is more or less good, or, at least, ordinary. But tempt them, and they may suddenly change. That is what is so frightening about men.”

“I do not want your admiration now, because I do not want your insults in the future. I bear with my loneliness now, in order to avoid greater loneliness in the years ahead. You see, loneliness is the price we have to pay for being born in this modern age, so full of freedom, independence, and our own egotistical selves.”

 “Like the first whiff of burning incense, or like the taste of one's first cup of saké, there is in love that moment when all its power is felt.”

 “To tell you the truth, I used to consider it a disgrace to be found ignorant by other people. But now, I find that I am not ashamed of knowing less than others, and I'm less inclined to force myself to read books. In short, I have grown old and decrepit.”

 “I am a lonely man," he said again that evening. "And is it not possible that you are also a lonely person? But I am an older man, and I can live with my loneliness, quietly. You are young, and it must be difficult to accept your loneliness. You must sometimes want to fight it."
"But I am not at all lonely."
"Youth is the loneliest time of all. Otherwise, why should you come so often to my house?"
Sensei continued: "But surely, when you are with me, you cannot rid yourself of your loneliness. I have not it in me to help you forget it. You will have to look elsewhere for the consolation you seek. And soon, you will find that you no longer want to visit me."
As he said this, Sensei smiled sadly.”

 “The memory of having sat at someone's feet will later make you want to trample him underfoot.”

 “No matter how full one's head might be with the image of greatness, one was useless, I found out, unless one was a worthy man first.”

-Kokoro, Natsume Souseki
quotes from Goodreads

Kasa no Iratsume

The Gods of heaven are irrational.
So I may die and never meet you,
whom I love so much.

-Kasa no Iratsume
translated by Kenneth Rexroth and Ikuko Atsumi

Akazome Emon

I can no longer tell dream from reality.
Into what world shall I awake
from this bewildering dream?

-Akazome Emon
translated by Kenneth Rexroth and Ikuko Atsumi

Kenrei Mon-in Ukyou no Daibu

The leaves of the bush clover rustle in the wind.
I, not a leaf,
watched you without a sound.
You may have thought I paid no attention.

-Kenrei Mon-in Ukyou no Daibu
translated by Kenneth Rexroth and Ikuko Atsumi

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Define Misanthropy:
a dislike of humankind.


My room has two cats that are too lazy to go to other parts of the house. Guess what I found last night under my bed?
a mouse.
And I caught it with my trashcan.

one of my cats was very interested. As above.
We set it free tonight in a deserted field.