Monday, December 31, 2012
Last Day
It's the last day of the year. The last day. You shall never see 2012 when you write the date on your papers anymore. I'm trying to figure out how I feel about that.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
White Sea
It's a sea of white outside. Even at night. I can see from my window almost as clear as day, maybe even clearer because I look out the windows more at night. The sky did show some blue yesterday, but it's back to being it's white like the piles of snow outside. All white, white, white.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Reading Earthsea
I think I killed myself reading for almost 5 hours straight. I thought my eyes were going to rot out of my head(like persimmons, ha!). Or maybe just black out like I was going blind. Now I'm trying to get some feeling into my neck...The book I read was 'A wizard of Earthsea' by Ursula K. Le Guin. Of course, I read it because of another Ghibli film; Tales From Earthsea/ or Gedo Senki, if you like it that way. Hmm, dragons yes.
Friday, December 28, 2012
I wish I was a witch. Oh, yes I wish it very badly. I would put my whole life into it. I don't think I could possibly resist flying on a broomstick, or having a familiar. Or casting mischievous spells on people I like and who I don't like. AGh! Why is the real world so darn boring! I can't! My brain is exploding from boredom! Magic should be real, dang it all!
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Rouge Message
Never attempt to go sledding with the wrong shoes. You'll go numb.
Anyways, I really like this song. It's from another Ghibli movie directed by Hayao Miyazaki; Kiki's Delivery Service. This song is called Rouge no Dengon(Rouge message), and if you want to see the lyrics and translation click here. In the english version of the show, there is actually another song instead called I'm gonna fly by Sydney Forest. Well, enjoy!
Anyways, I really like this song. It's from another Ghibli movie directed by Hayao Miyazaki; Kiki's Delivery Service. This song is called Rouge no Dengon(Rouge message), and if you want to see the lyrics and translation click here. In the english version of the show, there is actually another song instead called I'm gonna fly by Sydney Forest. Well, enjoy!
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Spirited Away on a Piggy Christmas
Somehow it's Christmas even though it doesn't feel like it. And it's ending, although it doesn't feel like it. And, sorry, I don't really have any really Christmassy things to tell anyone either. All I have thought today (so far) is HAM, and how much I like it. Oh, that, and how much I adore and want to cry whenever I watch Spirited Away. Oh, my addiction to Ghibli is possibly getting worse. And I miss Hayao Miyazaki!!! Well, even though my parents are sometimes......well, stupid, I don't think I would fancy them turning into pigs, either. Well.... maybe just for awhile.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Why is it?
"Why is this world so painful?"
That is not the right question.
The right question is
"Why is this world so beautiful?"
Even when it's painful?
Even when it's covered in blood and tears?
Why is it?
That is not the right question.
The right question is
"Why is this world so beautiful?"
Even when it's painful?
Even when it's covered in blood and tears?
Why is it?
Christmas Traditions
On Christmas Eve, one of our traditions that are different from everybody else is that we eat shrimp. Yes, shrimp with cocktail sauce. And on Christmas day, we usually have crackers and cheese. On New years, we drink that non-alcoholic champagne stuff. I am so happy I just finished writing my sisters present(yes writing!). Just in time. You know, pretty much all of our traditions have to do with food. Like, we also usually have chocolate pudding, and we have one nut in one of the servings. Whoever gets the nut gets to open the one Christmas eve present. It's all about the food, the holidays are.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Braid and Candy-canes
Whenever I have my hair in a braid I have the feeling I could get some big shears and just snip it off. I don't know if I want long hair, or short hair. Hmm. Well, whatever. It doesn't make too much of a difference anyways. I got a candy cane today. I'm usually all for traditions, but with the candy flavored candy-canes(like spree), I favor those instead of red and white mint stuff. Dunno. I can say I like the colors of the red and white canes though. They're pretty.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Scent of a Library
Yesterday I went to the library. I love the library. Everything about it. The stacks of books in their shelves, each one a different world begging to be opened and explored. The labyrinth of passageways, and the smell. I don't know what it is, but I always decide whether I like a place(or person) by it's smell(I'm not a dog!). And I just love the smell of books. Every one smells a bit different. Some smell old with their crumbling pages, some new with crisp pages. And a whole building full of books like that smells wonderful.
Friday, December 21, 2012
That's Nothing
I don't feel like I have much to say, but right now I'm eating some pineapple/ham/broccoli stew stuff on top of rice. It would be good, but I don't fancy the pineapple taste too much.
Anyways, I found this song just now. I, actually like it. A lot. Korean music again. I think the artists name (or rather stage name) is Coffee Boy. It seems as though I'm putting up a lot of videos up lately.
Anyways, I found this song just now. I, actually like it. A lot. Korean music again. I think the artists name (or rather stage name) is Coffee Boy. It seems as though I'm putting up a lot of videos up lately.
Ending? The world is?
Oh yeah.., isn't the world supposed to end today?
I'd forgot.
I'd forgot.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Sherlock- again. Oh my,
I love this show so much. I can't wait for season 3 to come out; in fact I'm suffocating without it. Oh, why oh why won't it come out yet? If you ever have a chance to watch this show, do it. Best show I've ever watched in my life. Hilarious. It's on Netflix.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Shiki no Uta
I really like this song. It's called 'Shiki no Uta', which means 'Song of four seasons'. It's by Nujabes. It makes me feel chill. If you want to hear the full version, click here. If you want to know the lyrics(translation and romaji) then click here.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Toffee and Peanut Brittle
My mother always makes two types of candy on the holidays to give away. The delicious chocolate covered toffee, and the nemesis peanut brittle. Peanut brittle is a nemesis, but somehow it wouldn't be Christmas without the whole house smelling like it. My nose has grown to it like that.
Frozen Fingers
There it goes again with myself; walking in the rain and imagining the steam flowing to the opposite dimension. It nipped at my heels. And before long, it freezes to snow; covering the entire earth in a pure white blanket. Oh, my poor frozen fingers.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Felt Kitty with a Heart
This is another thingy I sewed today. I can't believe myself; that I actually got back on that cursed machine. Well, it behaved better than last time. As you can see it's a kitty. Made out of felt, with a heart.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Too many Cookies
Since no one came to sing for cookies, now we have too many. It's a shame, there's so many. But besides those cookies, there are also two giant ones hidden in my bottom drawer(shh!) where I hide all my treats. How do you fancy chocolate chip?
Friday, December 14, 2012
Don't look at me in that way
I really hate shootings.
Well, here's a song I found yesterday that I liked for some reason. It's a little messed up, I mean...well you'll know what I mean if you hear it. It's super sad with a happy melody. It makes me feel a little weird. It's by Miku Hatsune, a vocaloid, so I apologize if you don't like the tinny robotic voice like my mom doesn't. I understand that, myself. But I've become a little addicted to it, nevertheless.
Well, here's a song I found yesterday that I liked for some reason. It's a little messed up, I mean...well you'll know what I mean if you hear it. It's super sad with a happy melody. It makes me feel a little weird. It's by Miku Hatsune, a vocaloid, so I apologize if you don't like the tinny robotic voice like my mom doesn't. I understand that, myself. But I've become a little addicted to it, nevertheless.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
I feel like a Shark
With the seconds counting down, disappearing with the sunset, I found it harder to breathe on this easy day, than on the day I was always swimming after them.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
If things were backwards, then Lemonade would make Lemons, which would be given to Life. I like Lemonade with different fruits with it, though. The taste is supreme.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
How far
The younger you are, the more you see how far you've come.
The older you are, the more you see how far you've yet to go.
The older you are, the more you see how far you've yet to go.
Monday, December 10, 2012
A Journey
Let me think. I want to go on a journey. It's a weird part of my kind of romance, a self-sufficient journey. Like those wandering people who flow throughout nature, carrying nothing but their mind to live on. The world is probably so wide and vast when you do that. A journey.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Sky Gate
This song reminds me of Summer. It was so cold today, that my fingers felt numb in their gloves. I always wish for Winter in the Summer, and Summer in the Winter. Indecisive, aren't I?
If the subs don't show up, then remember the captions button.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
The Slithergadee
The Slithergadee
by Shel Silverstein
The Slithergadee has crawled out of the sea.
He may catch all the others, but he won't catch me.
No you won't catch me, old Slithergadee,
You may catch all the others, but you wo-
Yes, this poem is part of my childhood. I had forgotten about it, but my mother had made this puppet Slithergadee that went down her arm, and we all loved that thing. And she would recite the poem and use the puppet, pretending to dodge us at certain parts of it, and then at the end, at wo-, she would put the mouth on our face. It was awesome, that puppet.
by Shel Silverstein
The Slithergadee has crawled out of the sea.
He may catch all the others, but he won't catch me.
No you won't catch me, old Slithergadee,
You may catch all the others, but you wo-
Yes, this poem is part of my childhood. I had forgotten about it, but my mother had made this puppet Slithergadee that went down her arm, and we all loved that thing. And she would recite the poem and use the puppet, pretending to dodge us at certain parts of it, and then at the end, at wo-, she would put the mouth on our face. It was awesome, that puppet.
Welcome to Dongmakgol
More songs by Joe Hisaishi! This is from a Korean film that I like called 'Welcome to Dongmakgol'. I always seem to listen to the soundtrack when Christmas comes around, because it actually reminds me of Christmas music a little bit.The first video is the main theme(although there is two, I like this one the most).
and of course, a Waltz of Sleigh. The first one I actually heard.
The ant(2) and the grasshopper, Shooting Stars
Hey, have you heard that story of the ant and the grasshopper? It's a story by Aesop.
And although I've read it and understood the moral, I still relive a different opinion, as I am. Usually.
The grasshopper didn't actually do anything wrong. Is it so wrong to sing?
And the ant didn't do anything wrong, either. But even though it will live a long time, what's the point if he will never sing? Never take a break, never being happy.
See, I think that although the grasshopper will die of hunger, that at least his life was like a shooting star. Isn't that why we watch for shooting stars? Because their life is short, but they grant wishes.
I don't need a long life, what I want is a life that can shine like that, even if it's only for a short while.
And although I've read it and understood the moral, I still relive a different opinion, as I am. Usually.
The grasshopper didn't actually do anything wrong. Is it so wrong to sing?
And the ant didn't do anything wrong, either. But even though it will live a long time, what's the point if he will never sing? Never take a break, never being happy.
See, I think that although the grasshopper will die of hunger, that at least his life was like a shooting star. Isn't that why we watch for shooting stars? Because their life is short, but they grant wishes.
I don't need a long life, what I want is a life that can shine like that, even if it's only for a short while.
shooting stars,
Squished by School- ants
I feel like an ant rebelling against a human foot. "Don't squish me!" Waving my fist to the air...
ah, I'm being squished by school.
And the humans eyes are only looking at some goal for itself far in the distance....
The only ones that don't get crushed are the ones that dodge quick enough.
ah, I'm being squished by school.
And the humans eyes are only looking at some goal for itself far in the distance....
The only ones that don't get crushed are the ones that dodge quick enough.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Egg-salad Sandwiches- and Friends(always glad to see them)
This is the 100'th post! Well, yeah.
This entire week all I've eaten at lunch was egg salad sandwiches, which are delicious, but can become too much. Except for today, though. I forgot my lunch, but that was okay, because I wasn't hungry for anything except happiness-which I got when I arrived on the stairs.
This entire week all I've eaten at lunch was egg salad sandwiches, which are delicious, but can become too much. Except for today, though. I forgot my lunch, but that was okay, because I wasn't hungry for anything except happiness-which I got when I arrived on the stairs.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Not the Whole Story
The purpose of this blog is to give snippets and tid-bits of my life, and not the whole story. I've never been very great at giving the whole story. Call me the person that believes in riddles and mysteries. I think people should maintain their own sort of mysterious air. Not a snotty, rich-kid air, but an air that doesn't impress everything about yourself on other people. Don't wear your heart on your sleeve, you know. And don't wear your mind, either. Only when the stage calls for it. Or when you call for it. If you always wear your heart on your sleeve, someone might steal it, you know. Or it might fall and break into a thousand pieces. What will you do then? And simply, don't repeat the same stories a thousand times, even if it's to different people. Use that energy to go and find some new ones. It would be infinitely more interesting that way.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind- soundtrack
Whoo hoo, I just love Joe Hisaishi. He is the composer for all of the soundtracks in the Studio Ghibli films that I love so much. If you have not watched them, then you are deprived.
This is the soundtrack from 'Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind'. (the trailer contains two other movies that are awesome too.) He's playing it live!
This is the soundtrack from 'Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind'. (the trailer contains two other movies that are awesome too.) He's playing it live!
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Dead chickens
Dead chickens.
You know you have one when there is a scatter of feathers.
You know you have one when there is a scatter of feathers.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Mado Kara Mieru
I just found a jewel.
Actually, this amv is what I first heard the song in, and it goes along so well, I can't help it.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Tokyo Godfathers
I just finished watching a movie called Tokyo Godfathers, which is better than I remember it. I really like the hobos in it(who are the main characters). They are so funny! Irony, really. You can probably watch it here with English subs, if you're interested: Dailymotion. A sort-of Christmas movie.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Why do people only live off of symbols? I don't understand. I want the actual thing. Money is only a symbol, roses are a symbol. Symbols are only worth something if you have the actual thing in the first place. But like I said, I don't want symbols. I want the actual thing.
Friday, November 30, 2012
It seems I am a Thursday baby. I was born on a Thursday. Seems as though I have far to go.
Refer to this: Monday's Child
I knew I had been born on a Thursday, but I still don't know how I did. Must be ingenuity, or something. Or common feeling with it, maybe.
Refer to this: Monday's Child
I knew I had been born on a Thursday, but I still don't know how I did. Must be ingenuity, or something. Or common feeling with it, maybe.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Waltz of the Moon, LIVE
Just as much as I love 'Tsuki no Waltz', I love the live version of it. Mio Isayama is just amazing. It's so pretty, I just can't help myself.
Mio Isayama,
tsuki no waltz,
I should never get bored.
Yes, that is exactly what you think it is. Actually, I have no idea what it is, so you can tell me, if you figure it out yourself. I'll just call him 'Cutie' for now, since that is his main body. His eyes are a dime and a quarter, and his feet are 'Bliss' chocolates(wrapped). His head is a spinning top we got from my uncle Johnney's house. the bottom picture is a snap I put of it. I think something may be a little strange with me today.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Reproducing mushrooms: Love Letters to Death- another blog
Blogs are seemingly reproducing like mushrooms where I am concerned. This time it's one called Love Letters to Death, a blog that my friends and I are going to write love letters to death in, like the title. But we're not emo(probably). We're going to write these weird, funny, possibly random, or loosely connected love letters from different characters. Well, the idea is still in the production stage at the moment. My main worry is cooperation.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Why do I never get any sleep? and poetry again.
This morning I woke up at 4:30 A.M., and the sad truth is that I never went back to sleep. I had an unsettling(not exactly scary) dream, and it kept me feeling weird. So to dispense that feeling, I started reading 'The Poetry of Zen'. Translated Chinese and Japanese poetry. I didn't really stop too soon; I really like that stuff for some reason. And I witnessed dawn rise, and wrote a poem to it. If you want to read it then click here. Oh, but that feeling when you can feel your alarm clock pressing down on you, just begging to ring. I want to smash that thing to a million pieces.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Saturday, November 24, 2012
1,2 Fanclub
Friday, November 23, 2012
Futuristic Imagination
This is the ending song and video to an anime called 'Eden of the East' that I never did finish watching. But the song, after I heard it, became one of the most important songs to me. It's not just that I love it; it has become a part of my diary. The songs I listen to create my own diary for me, which is a bit abstract, I suppose, but true. The song is called 'Futuristic Imagination' and it is by the band School Food Punishment. Don't laugh at the name, you. They're serious.
"Can you change the definition of 'mistake'?"
if you have time, and want to hear/see the full version with subtitles, click here.
"Can you change the definition of 'mistake'?"
Black Friday
Yes, I do indeed have a headache. It's like my brain is being sparked with electricity. It's painful that way. And my eyes are so tired that they're searching for darkness all on their own. Black Friday is a cruel beast that slowly consumes on your feet. But I did get some interesting things....! It's all paper related. Scrapbook monster.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Somehow I find myself NOT hungry today. At least in the stomach. I think I might be starving for something else. Perhaps thanks? Perhaps to say thank-you? Perhaps to be thankful? Perhaps for some decadent dark chocolate cream pie (because deserts have a stomach all to themselves).
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
I imagine there is no excuse for myself, perhaps not even for living. But do I need an excuse for living? I doubt things are that simple. And I'm sick of giving excuses just so that their minds will be at ease. Mine is only more troubled. So I will not give excuses anymore. They are not like handing out candy. I must do something before I fall.
Before I fall.
Before I fall.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Somebody has to go Polish the stars
I really like poetry, and of course that means I like Shel Silverstein. I love all of his poems, but I actually think that the one I like the best is this one:
Somebody Has to
Somebody has to go polish the stars,
They're looking a little bit dull.
Somebody has to go polish the stars,
For the eagles and starlings and gulls
Have all been complaining they're tarnished and worn,
They say they want new ones we cannot afford.
So please get your rags
And your polishing jars,
Somebody has to go polish the stars.
-Shel Silverstein
Maybe I like this one so much because of my obsession with star things.
Somebody Has to
Somebody has to go polish the stars,
They're looking a little bit dull.
Somebody has to go polish the stars,
For the eagles and starlings and gulls
Have all been complaining they're tarnished and worn,
They say they want new ones we cannot afford.
So please get your rags
And your polishing jars,
Somebody has to go polish the stars.
-Shel Silverstein
Maybe I like this one so much because of my obsession with star things.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Rain Town
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Envy of 9 lives
A cat is said to have 9 lives, sometimes 7, sometimes 6. Too bad I'm a stupid human, and am stuck with only 1 life. Sometimes it seems animals have a much better accompaniment with surviving and thriving than I do. Speaking of cats, I love their myths. Like being crossed by a black cat is a bad omen, and yet cats are generally thought of as good luck charms in different places. A cat is a witches familiar, an object of worship, a pest to be rid of. Can something even be allowed to be that ironic? And, about cats, I wouldn't mind their ears or tail, especially their ability to be so agile, if only I was equal to the fluffiness and coolness. Even though I say all this, it's not like I'm a cat fanatic. Perhaps I just envy them. Fancy that!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
"Never underestimate the power of a bribe."
No kidding.
I got dragged into that one.
No kidding.
I got dragged into that one.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
This doesn't really hold a video, but this song lets me relax. It has me think some strange things.
"You must go there alone."
It could be a little sad.
Lyrics here.
"You must go there alone."
It could be a little sad.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Monochromatic Cake
My grandma makes this funny cake that is almost completely black and white. It's a chocolate cake that really looks completely black, although it doesn't taste like dark chocolate. The frosting is this white stuff that reminds me of marshmallow goop stuff, sort-of like candy land snow would be like, maybe. It all tastes good, but one piece is just perfect. The colors satisfy.
dark chocolate,
old people
Saturday, November 10, 2012
First Bite of Winter
Full, pristine, white, milky, achromatic, snowy, bleached, vicious, frosted, ivory, iced, nipping, biting, stinging; Winter. The first bite of Winter was a big one. Snow all over, covering like white cotton. Unexpected, welcomed, and despised. Spring sings, Summer swelters, Autumn swings, and Winter stings.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Sewing a jean monster
On Sunday, I sewed a little something. Now, I suck at sewing. I had a class last year with it that I was so frustrated with, I was almost gonna cry. I still think it a miracle that I got an A- in there. I have no idea how that happened. Well, anyways, I sewed this strange thing that I really like out of my jean pant leg and other stuff. It reminded me of everything I didn't like. But I still completed it for some reason. Well, see it for yourself:
ha ha ha.
ha ha ha.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
An oval is a funny shape. It's a stretched circle. Even it's first letter is an 'O'. Like a square and a rectangle; stretched. With shapes, isn't an oval usually ignored? I usually just hear it when referring to someone's face. Sometimes, I even feel sorry for it. Is that weird? Feeling sorry for a shape? When I was a kid, I was probably a circle, but now that I'm older, I'm an oval; speaking hypothetically. I'm stretched. Oval.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Gas Mask
I was helping my grandmother clean out her drawers(that are a nightmare of screwdrivers and pills by the way) and -truthfully it was destined- we pulled out an old decrepit gas mask. I fell in love. The strands had broken, so she let me have it. I've always wanted one, a respirator. Don't ask me why. I'm not going to use it, but it's the coolest treasure in my room right now. Here is a picture of it:
a little dusty.
a little dusty.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Another independent animation. I really like this one, probably for obvious reasons. I like killer fights like this. And the music is awesome, ha ha.
Friday, November 2, 2012
The Tender March
I just absolutely love this; the song, and the animation. It's just so beautiful and water-colory, that I can't help it. I like these kinds of things. Things that have some kind of meaning, but it's not just straight off understanding. And I just love all the weird creatures she's got with her, it just makes it click.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Spread Ashes in the Wind
Hey, when I die, can you burn me to ashes? Cremate me, and instead of soldiering me in a pretty porcelain jar, take me somewhere high, and spread me into the wind so that I can finally learn what it's like to fly.
Because I'm Alive
"How, ....How can you be so reckless!?"
"I walk because I was born"- Miku Hatsune- Strobe Light
"Because I'm alive!"
-Zombie-Loan"I walk because I was born"- Miku Hatsune- Strobe Light
Monday, October 29, 2012
A Set of Broken Headphones
I hate it when my headphones break. It's always one of the sides that stop working, and so I'm blasted in one ear. It's not right. Music needs to be listened to with both ears. If I'm listening to a good song, I can't do anything except to listen to it. I stop everything and just listen. And I dream.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
They're Coming to Take Me Away
This is different, but HOLY CRAP it's weird. When I first heard it at school, I couldn't help but laugh at it.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Letters from Grandpa
Sometimes my grandpa sends us letters, and when I read them, I'm a little amused because they're like his journal entries almost. I don't think I've ever received a letter like one of his. They tend to be longish(or longer from other people's) and full of events that have happened in our family lately. It's different. Then again, I don't receive letters on a regular basis. I enjoy reading them though. It's just I don't feel like I can reply to someone's journal entries very well.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Just a Game
All is fair in Love and War. Love is just a game, as is War. There are rules you can cheat just for the sake of winning. There are always consequences at the end of it, whether happiness or sadness. But we still play even if we lose, because it's enjoyable? Well, it is just a game.
Lyrics and Translation Here
vocaloid cover,
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Technically, I like orange juice better than milk for an average morning breakfast(though it depends on what it is). But you can't deny dairy it's justice, can you? I mean I just smother myself in ice cream(chocolate) whenever I get my tiny hands on it, and EAT it. Same with yogurt. Cheese things. Etc. Normal milk is good to drink too. I'd like my milk cold, please.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
I want to be a ravished thief in the night, with cards as my weapon, and stealth as my adornment. It's my self-romance. That's what I day-dream about, isn't that a little...but I think it would be awesome to be so awesome! Sometimes I have wars between 'Thieves or Detectives?" Because I love them both so much!? Agh, I really don't know!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Ricordando il passato
I've been listening to this song for a few months, and I've really become attached to it. The song is in Italian. It's from Umineko no Naku Koro ni, though I'm not sure where. My favorite line is "In the story that I wrote, you can fly to freedom."
Saturday, October 20, 2012
'Taste' in Romance
I think everyone needs a good romance story sometimes. But there really are 'tastes' in romance that differ completely from everyone else. For example, I can't stand the idolized 'Twilight' or other shows shown as popular, but I'm all over the small taste in 'Shangri-La'. I guess I really can't just go for all-out cheesy romance. I like a little more subtle, with most of the story being action and adventure. I also like it when the two people are rivals at first, and beat each other up in many different ways. It makes me laugh at how well they actually get along. When they're together, they also have to have some kind of 'impact'. A difference from when they're alone or with other people. Whether this is an all-out scream fight, or an awkward silence, it should be there. There's other things I could say, but I think you get the picture. That's only my taste, though.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Everyone is connected, and yet no one is connected. People just like you wake up every morning, go to sleep every night. They pass you by, stop by you, pass by you. But you are infinitely alone in your mind. Even when there are people by your side, your heart slowly creaks, whirs down, cracks, and shatters into pieces, weighed with thoughts and feelings you could never share. The wishes never granted lie in the deepest part of yourself, a part that might be an ironic truth or lie. They fade as you walk in the day and on and on. And on and on. and on and on. And once you remember them, a kind of realization comes. What truly matters? The things you do everyday suddenly lose their purpose when your breath comes up short. And yet I keep on living...why? Why do I keep on living without any real purpose? And yet am I even really alive when I haven't lived yet? The future is always unreachable. Is all we have is each other? Is that really true? Don't I have myself? Is my identity disappeared if I am away from other people? Who am I really? Truthfully? A human? A daughter? A girl? A person? A sister? Alive?
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Concert; Few in-between
Concert. Only went to half of it, but actually enjoyed it. A narration of Peter and the Wolf was played, and that was pretty awesome to hear. My sister played in it(French Horn) as one of the soloists. It was very pretty. Most of the people there were old balding men and aging ladies in granny dresses. Watching them socializing took off my mind from my bored-ness when I had to wait to go in. It was either old people or young people. There was few in-between.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Ai Think So
Ai Think So. A song I like recently. 'Ai' means 'love' in Japanese; a sort of play on words. I enjoy reading the lyrics. Bunny princess, yay!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Loyalty to Homework
Today is all homework. I'm so exhausted I can't even think. But when I think about it, the thing that makes me work so hard isn't for grades, really, but for a pesky thing called 'loyalty'. Why do I even have that anyways? It makes no sense, and yet I am determined.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Sister Day
Today is definitely a day for sisters. I wrote a lot about sisters today, in my short ghost story on Whatomic called Drowning Dreams, and yesterday and a little bit today in Scarlet Notes of Hood. And here to! Well, it's my sister's birthday, too. So perhaps that's why. A day congratulating sisters! By the way, the word 'sister' sort of resembles 'sinister', doesn't it? Ha ha ha.....
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Cinderella is a Witch
Intelligence is beauty, yes? I love how she describes princes. It's so true. All that shiny teeth, too. It's a long song, but I like it. Tea-time, everyone!
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Holmes Quotes
'It has long been
an axiom of mine that the little things are infinitely
the most important.'
'What one man can invent another can discover.'
'...when you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.'
'There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact.'
'You see, but you do not observe. The distinction is clear.'
-Sherlock Holmes
(grabbed from
'What one man can invent another can discover.'
'...when you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.'
'There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact.'
'You see, but you do not observe. The distinction is clear.'
-Sherlock Holmes
(grabbed from
Friday, October 12, 2012
Boredom Chocolate
Agh, boredom makes its strike, again eh? I've been surviving on chocolate all day. Chocolate doughnut for breakfast, lunch, and Chocolate Cheerios for dinner. Pu ha ha ha ha. Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, strike. Chocolate going on strike. A real chocolate bargain?
Thursday, October 11, 2012
One more Time, One more Chance
One more time, One more chance by Yamazaki Masayoshi
The lyrics are one of the most beautiful I've ever known.
Lying by the Door
"I lie by the open door, watching and listening the street and children passing by screaming on their bicycles and scooters. I can hear those chirping meal-wings, and I want to go outside and play. I want to go for a walk." I think all this while licking the bottom of a lone shoe.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Death and Truth
I think I finally realized today. Even if I die today, even despite everything I've written about my life, my feelings, my dreams, myself, it would never be the same. I would still be dead. People who know me, know me through a general knowledge of a general idea formed in their mind of who 'I' am. I have to deal with the truth and lies of it all. Who they see in me and as me, is a truth in itself. But who I see in myself, and who I see as myself is also the truth. They are different, parallel, perpendicular, and the same. But the only thing that would be left if I passed away today would be the truth they see. My truth would go with me. It would not stay here. Is that why I still live? To try my best to pass my truth into the eyes of other people? Or is it something else? Do I want to change it? The truth?
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Waltz of The Moon
I already posted this on Whatomic, but I truly just love this so much I wanted to have it here too. I love anything Alice in Wonderland related.
Mio Isayama- Tsuki no Waltz
Mio Isayama,
tsuki no waltz,
Monday, October 8, 2012
Tired after a Nap
Tired. So, so tired. Ugh, and when I took a huge nap I woke up a few hours later with a huge headache. And my tiredness isn't gone, either. In fact, I think it's possible it might be worse.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
I am bored out of my mind. I could scream because of the pain of it. It feels like I'm not even living. And the thing I don't want to do the most is my homework.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Salmon Saturday
Another Saturday of cleaning at my grandma's. The best thing I got out of it wasn't the twenty dollars(though that certainly is awesome), but the salmon she made for lunch. Scrumptious stuff.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Finally Friday
Ah, it's finally Friday. I've been waiting for it all week. School is so entirely tiring. I have nothing to do tomorrow, oh, the mercy of a Saturday. Can I actually sleep in now? It feels like I haven't had a complete good nights sleep in a million years.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Song of a Broken Youkai
Fate turns on mercilessly, doesn't it? I didn't like this song at first, but after a few tries, I now have fallen in love with it. Will I be broken too?
The song of a broken youkai who loved a human
Dealing with horses and dirt. Startling and tiring, days turn on and on and on and on. Until I make a mistake? Yet I actually feel fulfilled if I have a busy day that I finish things. An Australian dude talking about miniskirts, and I just laugh along. La la la la. Ha ha ha ha. The sounds of singing and laughing are so close, aren't they? I write and write, and all my ideas are milked out of me. Seeping. At the end of it is a trick where all my cleverness is snatched away onto paper. I have no more ideas.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Sherlock Holmes
Oh yes, I do in fact Love Sherlock Holmes. I love the show and the movies, so maybe I should try out the books. I wish I had that skill to solve puzzles, yet discombobulate those people even more with my awesomeness.
Monday, October 1, 2012
This is the song that relates me to my ('fifth') first love, though I don't know if I could even call it that. (Ah, well). Miku Hatsune- Over. Incredibly ironic that it's called 'over', isn't it? If I recall, I also wrote a crappy poem to it that I've never posted....ha ha ha.
Scarlet Notes of Hood
I made once again, yet another blog. This is different from this blog and Whatomic, though. It's made purely for little red riding hood's journal entries. She'll be traveling through the wood and encountering different fairy tail characters from other stories. So it's a blog for a series of these stories. Check it out if you want to!
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Weekend of relatives
a whole weekend of relatives. We attempt to relate to each-other. Family, huh? Kazoku no kaze.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Back Door
He He, even if you sneak out the back door just so you won't have to pass me, I still know where you're going. Person whose name starts with D and ends with N.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
The Shortest Scary Story
The last man in the world. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.
-by someone else(I don't know)
Heard from my Uncle Sandy.
-by someone else(I don't know)
Heard from my Uncle Sandy.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Matryoshka have been an interest to me lately(also known as Russian nesting dolls). The way they close up inside themselves reminds me of people; how they grow in empty shells just for show, while the actual part that's not hollow is the baby. Baby heart. The word is fun to say too.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Dearly Beloved
I found this and I nearly cried. Dearly Beloved. (Kyle Landry, violin and piano version, ft. Josh Chiu)
A Dearly Beloved can be anyone or anything.
A Dearly Beloved can be anyone or anything.
Dearly Beloved,
Kyle Landry,
Friday, September 14, 2012
Freedom Universe
Is there any such thing as true freedom? Even if you can fly, you are held back by the boundary of atmosphere to the universe. I want to get past everything.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Home and the Heart
Home truly is where the heart is. I can see that now. You can sleep in two houses, but 'home' is where your heart lies, and also where it at peace. Where you can be constant.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Autumn Sky
Thunderstorm in Autumn, makes me feel poetic. What's your favorite color of the sky?
Is it:
Dark chocolate?
baby blue?
After Rain?
Gray overcast?
soft pink?
desert orange?
Is it:
Dark chocolate?
baby blue?
After Rain?
Gray overcast?
soft pink?
desert orange?
Or something you can't define?
dark chocolate,
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Head-Ache Day
Ah, a headache day. Simply getting along with other people can be difficult, can't it? Sometimes I even think it would be easier if I was some kind of anti-social hermit, living in the untouched lush mountains far, far away. I would hate the spiders, though.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Cheeks and Lips, a Gift to the Cold
I was smitten by the deep blue cheeks of Winter
And the bittersweet lips of Death.
And the bittersweet lips of Death.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Missing- short story
Oh, I finally finished my Horror short story that I've been slowly working on all summer. I call it 'Missing'. That's all I've been doing all day today(I skipped school). Go read it on Whatomic(my other blog) if you're interested. It's not very good, but that's just it, isn't it?
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Fruit in Season
Apples. They are the fruit I always crave when Autumn arrives. Okay, let me get this straight.
Spring: strawberries
Summer: Peaches
Autumn: Apples
Winter: Oranges
I always want to eat these fruits in these seasons. And sometimes out of them.
Spring: strawberries
Summer: Peaches
Autumn: Apples
Winter: Oranges
I always want to eat these fruits in these seasons. And sometimes out of them.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Ame Ga Furu
real rain. Fall as fast as you can. Because..........I love you! Oh, I never ever see you here...
I shed tears so that I may see at least your relative. But they dry up in the ending summer heat.
I'm hungry.
I shed tears so that I may see at least your relative. But they dry up in the ending summer heat.
I'm hungry.
Friday, August 31, 2012
What is Misfortune?
Misfortune. What is happiness, really? The absence of sadness? No, I don't think that's correct.
What is sadness? The absence of happiness? No, I don't think that's correct.
What is darkness? The absence of light?
What is light? The absence of shadow?
What is luck? The absence of misfortune?
What is misfortune? The absence of happiness?
What is human?
What is sadness? The absence of happiness? No, I don't think that's correct.
What is darkness? The absence of light?
What is light? The absence of shadow?
What is luck? The absence of misfortune?
What is misfortune? The absence of happiness?
What is human?
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Luggage in High Places
I do indeed like to sleep in high places, but at the moment I'm just plain annoyed. Stop treating me like luggage. Don't just dump me somewhere for your convenience. Especially this place. It's disgusting, and it smells horrible, just like that time.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
When I take a nap in the afternoon, it always happens when I wake up. I time-warped! It actually makes me feel a little sick to think of all the other things I could have been doing instead. If I had a super power, it wouldn't be to travel through time. Though I wouldn't mind to travel that path once.
Friday, August 24, 2012
HedgeHog's Dilemma
What is a HedgeHog's Dilemma? A Hedgehog wants to get closer to other hedgehogs, but can't because of the pain of the others spikes. So they withdraw.
-Neon Genesis Evangelion
-Neon Genesis Evangelion
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Wolf Walking Home
Huffing and puffing, but not on a house. Up the hill.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Red Riding Hood
Little red riding hood, huh? I always end up feeling sorry for the wolf, wondering about the grandma, and asking where the hunter came from. I mean, really. Why would they send some red girl out in a wolf wood except to bring stuff to her granny.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Sucky Shopping
I suck at shopping. I shall have to accept the reality. I know what I want, but after a few months of wearing the thing I got, I stop liking it. Shopping for clothes bugs me, anyways.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Frying Doughnuts
"What do doughnuts mean to you!?"(2bro) "To Fry them!" (Me) "You have issues!" (2bro)
part of conversation with my brother who neglected watching the frying doughnuts in the frying pan.
But doughnuts are really good, aren't they?
part of conversation with my brother who neglected watching the frying doughnuts in the frying pan.
But doughnuts are really good, aren't they?
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Crescent Rolls
My mother makes the best crescent rolls I've ever tasted. She happened to make them today, and they were gone in less than 10 minutes. Serious.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Cleaning Today
Clean, clean, cleanity, Clean. Clean-ness all around the world..CLEAN , yes CLEAN. That's what I did today. It is something people put off, but is greatly appreciated by the same species. Everything's "Pika-pika" now.
Friday, August 10, 2012
I'm a girl, and I still dunno how to braid hair. And I'm a red-head. Who knew?
Thursday, August 9, 2012
One of the trashcans in our house perks up its ears when we say "walk" and likes to wag its tail when we come home.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Empty Stomach
Ah. I'm hungry. Really hungry. Someone cook me some food please. I don't want to do it myself. I have a disease by the name of laziness. Take pity.
Late #2 and Skittles
Huh? Why am I up this late? Seriously, and I need to take a shower. I have found I actually don't like skittles that much. Dunno why. Guess I don't like rainbows. Just rain. And bows, maybe. I can't stand heat either.
Monday, August 6, 2012
From Up On Poppy Hill
Awesome? Heck yes. I just finished watching the new Ghibli movie From Up On Poppy Hill. Although I think some people were disappointed by it, I enjoyed the entire thing. My favorite part is the dirty club-house. It just looks entirely like a pile of treasure junk. The movie should be released in the U.S. in March 2013(if Wikipedia's reliable).
I immediately looked up the soundtrack(ost) on YouTube after I finished watching it. This is what I found. Sayonara no Natsu, Hatsukoi no Koro, Breakfast Song, and Welcome to quarter Latin. The Breakfast entirely about breakfast.
This is my longest post so far, haha
I immediately looked up the soundtrack(ost) on YouTube after I finished watching it. This is what I found. Sayonara no Natsu, Hatsukoi no Koro, Breakfast Song, and Welcome to quarter Latin. The Breakfast entirely about breakfast.
This is my longest post so far, haha
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Ghost Shows
I really like ghost shows at the moment. I haven't watched very many of them, but they're really intriguing to me. Some of the ones I've watched are Ghost Hunt, Psychic Detective Yakumo, Ghost Hound, XXXHolic, and (actual real-life actors) Supernatural. All of these I have watched the entire way through except for Supernatural. I'm working at it with my mom.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Misfortune Gossips
You hear so much misfortune from other people. They really love to tell you their issues. I even find old people gossiping. In a certain way it's almost amusing. But it mostly just makes me melancholy because I can never figure it all out.
"The good lord blessed us with a mouth that shuts and ears that always stay open. but Me Mama Sez that we usually do the opposite." -From Me Mama Sez(a book) lamely recorded from memory
"The good lord blessed us with a mouth that shuts and ears that always stay open. but Me Mama Sez that we usually do the opposite." -From Me Mama Sez(a book) lamely recorded from memory
Friday, August 3, 2012
Up Late
Go to bed late, wake up super late. That's pretty much the gist of my summers. Besides spending time on my blogs, that is.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Breakfast In Bed
I suppose if you wake up in the morning to a breakfast a brother whom you had argued with only yesterday had made, it should be a good day right?
Blueberry pancakes
Blueberry pancakes
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Good Book
The days when I just stay inside the entire day and finish reading a good book. I really like those. But the daylight seems to flee too fast. I'm left with a strange feeling that I can't define.
My favorite author is Diana Wynne Jones.
The book I finished today was 'The Spellcoats' (book 3 of the 'Dalemark Quartet').
My favorite author is Diana Wynne Jones.
The book I finished today was 'The Spellcoats' (book 3 of the 'Dalemark Quartet').
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
On The Toilet
My mom reads on the toilet. That's literally the first place to look if she mysteriously disappears. Which is often.
She prefers 'Elle' magazine and gardening books.
She prefers 'Elle' magazine and gardening books.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Sugar Grains
I spilled some sugar on the floor today. When I was mixing it with
cinnamon so I could put some on my toast. ......I didn't sweep it up.
Just shows how lazy I am.
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